Small Brush Fire in Manorville, Called in by SCPD Helicopter 3
By Member Christopher Steel
June 16, 2020
At 17:25 Hours, The Manorville Fire Department was activated to respond to a reported brush fire off of Line Road and Grumman Blvd in Calverton. The call was reported by Suffolk County Police Helicopter # 3. Helicopter 3 stayed flying around the fire location until the Manorville Chiefs arrived on scene. The fire was located about 1/4 mile south of Grumman Blvd, in the woods between Swan Lake Golf Club and Line Road. Manorville GI4 was First Due, immediately followed by GI2. GI3 and Tanker 9 where also on scene to assist. The fire was only about 150' round and burning low. All units where cleared and back in service by 18:35 hours.